The Fruit of the Church of Wells
written by sister preethi after a short
season with these brethren
Dear Beloved Remnant,
I call upon the LORD, Who in His time
shall show, Who is the blessed and only Potentate, the King of kings and Lord
of lords; Who only hath immortality, dwelling in the light which no man can
approach unto; Whom no man hath seen, nor can see: to Whom be honour and power
everlasting. Amen. (1 Tim 6:15-16) May He give me a faithful spirit to bear
witness of those things which I have experienced in my time here thus far at
the Church of Wells. I write to you who have been saved and called with an holy
calling, not according to our works, but according to His own purpose and
grace, which was given us in Christ Jesus before the world began, but is now
made manifest by the appearing of our Savior Jesus Christ, who hath abolished
death, and hath brought life and immortality to light through the Gospel (2 Tim
Many of you know of the fire that burned
within our household in the weeks leading up to my departure to the Church of
Wells. My departure was a result of, I believe, the sovereign will and command
of the LORD Jesus to my soul, and took place at the expense of submission to
carnal authority, and the opposition of multitudes of, not only carnal
men/false Christians, but those among the true remnant of our Christ. Virtually
all whom I had heretofore feared in the LORD because of the sanctifying work of
the Holy Spirit within them in the past had fiercely opposed my sensing of the
LORD’s call to go to the Church of Wells. Numerous individuals believed that I
was under the influence of demons or Satan himself, those seducing spirits of
which the Spirit speaketh expressly that in the latter times some shall give
heed to these and doctrines of devils and thus depart from the faith (1 Tim
4:1). During the few weeks before I left, I had several great men of God, men
to whom I owe much for their nourishing of my soul in the past with sound
teachings on true conversion, overcoming sin, evangelism, the nature of
atonement, among other things, strongly urge me not to go to the Church of
Wells. Common remarks were “There is no
way that it can be God’s will for you to leave your parents against their will”,
“If all of the remnant has forsaken you,
then surely you have erred from the Truth”, and “There is no way the Church of Wells finds favor with God when they are
destroying the peace and unity of your household”. I saw that there were
several main stumbling blocks among the remnant regarding my departure to the
Church of Wells. I will briefly describe them:
Misrepresentation of the Church of Wells: I have elaborated in an earlier writing on the large amount of demonic
slander under which this church is buried. Single witnesses around the nation
who have connections to family members at the Church of Wells or who have come
out from the Church of Wells have turned the remnant nearly altogether against
this Church. The Church’s integrity with regard to the fruit of their lives and
doctrine has been compromised in the eyes of all such that the Godliest among
us fail to see the Spiritual realities which are present among this Church
because they have failed to follow due process, specifically, they have never
even spoken at length to one or more of the elders or the brethren at the Church
of Wells. To summarize, the devil has succeeded in convincing the remnant
through various misrepresentative reports that the Church of Wells is not
pleasing in the eyes of the LORD.
The Doctrine of Conditional Eternal Security: The second main stumbling block is the doctrine of
conditional eternal security which is clearly portrayed in Scripture in the
eyes of all who have in sincerity sought the heart of the LORD through His Word
on this matter. This doctrine is summarized as the comprehension of the potential
for final and damnable apostasy in a regenerated individual. The result of one
taking heed to such a warning is the casting of the gaze upon the risen LAMB of
God with simultaneous fleeing all that is of the flesh and the world. For as
for man, his days are as grass: as a flower of the field, so he flourisheth.
For the wind passeth over it, and it is gone, and the place thereof shall know
it no more. But the mercy of the LORD is from everlasting to everlasting upon
them that fear Him, and His righteousness unto children’s children; to such as
keep His covenant, and to those that remember His commandments to do them (Ps
103: 15-18). The fruit of this doctrine is that souls are driven to seek and
sow after those things of the Spirit, and there is no peace or rest of soul
given in the midst of seeking and sowing after the flesh. It is a doctrine
which exemplifies that holiness of the LORD which cannot but be maintained. For
if we believe not, yet He abideth faithful: He cannot deny Himself (2 Tim 2:13).
Scores of apparently God-fearing Calvinist teachers of this day have so
misunderstood the Scripture’s teaching of the latter day apostasy among the
regenerate to the extent that they would presume this doctrine to compromise both
the sovereignty of God and the exclusivity of salvation by grace through faith.
For these reasons, those holding to this doctrine, including the Church of
Wells, are seen as heretics or at best misinformed.
Secondary Stumbling Blocks: As a result of the former stumbling block, several other stumbling blocks
have arisen, which have, at the present time, put a “lock” on the minds and
hearts of the remnant that they may not understand certain beliefs and
convictions of the Church of Wells. These stumbling blocks are, at the present
time, severely dangerous to the eternal state of souls among the remnant and
will become increasingly so as iniquity abounds and the love of many waxes
cold. For many false prophets have arisen and have deceived many (Matt
24:11-12). We are surely in the latter days, and all who have sought and
perceived the heart of the LORD see that He is grieved, not for the dead bones
of the unconverted alone, but for the impalement of His bride: her state of
Spiritual slumber and carnality. The voice of the Spirit to the people of God
today is that which was spoken to the Churches of Ephesus and Sardis: to
remember therefore from whence she is fallen, and repent and do the first
works, to strengthen the things which remain that are ready to die, for her
deeds are not perfect before Him. (Rev 2:5, 3:2-3) If she does not repent, the
LORD will SURELY remove her candlestick out of his place, except she repents.
The voice of the LORD is one of righteous judgment against the slothfulness of
His people at the present time. It is a Sword of love that proceeds from His
mouth to quicken that which has died, to circumcise bitter roots and satanic
snares, to revive and renew in the Gospel in the power of the Holy Spirit… It
is a HARD WORD that the LORD speaks towards His bride, yet if she does not heed
this Word unto obedience she will perish! Many Calvinists throughout history
perchance have made it to glory, for they have abided with the dear Savior till
the end, heeding His warnings in the Spirit, been subject to progressive
sanctification until they saw His face, but in this wicked age, when countless
certain men have crept in unawares, who were before of old ordained to this
condemnation, ungodly men, turning the grace of our God into lasciviousness,
and denying the only LORD God, and our LORD Jesus Christ (Jude 1:4), such a
doctrine as unconditional eternal security can lead to the confusion of many
core doctrines of Christ and eventually the damning of apostate souls deceived
into receiving the grace of God in vain.
The Forsaking of Idolatry of Carnal Family: To summarize, the teachings of Scripture are remarkably
clear that when authorities, specifically earthly fathers and mothers, threaten
the Lordship of Christ in the life of a disciple, that disciple is to have
previously counted the cost of discipleship such that he/she is able to forsake
in the heart, even to hate, the
carnal remains of such authorities. This is a core doctrine of Christ, and
recall that we are to teach His saints to observe all things whatsoever He has
commanded us (Matt 28:20). Our Christ has declared that He is come to send fire
on the earth; and what will He, if it be already kindled? He had a baptism to
be baptized with; and how He was straitened till it be accomplished! Suppose we
that He is come to give peace on earth? He tells us Nay; but rather division:
for from henceforth there shall be five in one house divided, three against
two, and two against three. The father shall be divided against the son, and
the son against the father; the mother against the daughter, and the daughter
against the mother; the mother-in-law against her daughter-in-law, and the
daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law. (Luke 12:49-53) Such division in the
family, when we comprehend the potential for apostasy and backslidden states
among the regenerate, MUST be considered possible, yes, even likely, yes even
necessary, among regenerate families, when certain members refuse to heed the
Spirit’s voice unto repentance. When saints differ in their soul’s hearkening
unto the LORD, they will surely be divided. When a [regenerate] father or
mother leads against the Spirit-wrought conviction of the son or daughter, not
only is the son or daughter permitted to bypass the rule of the parent(s) but
for him/her not to do so would be his/her own forsaking of the LORD in the
stead of familial idolatry. Regardless of whether parents are regenerated or
not, the offspring must forsake in the heart, perhaps resulting in an outward
manifestation, all to follow Christ, including the authority of parents in
those cases specifically where the Spirit and Word’s lead is compromised
The Rejection of the Church of Wells by the Remnant: A main stumbling block for many saints is the simple
fact that the remnant has rejected the Church of Wells. Especially from a
Calvinistic mindset, which bears the conviction that all who are truly
regenerate are, essentially, following Christ in the power of His irresistible
grace, it cannot be fathomed in the odds of such reason that the majority
opinion of the remnant herself could have erred in judgment on any matter.
However, it is not so that the modern remnant is in good standing before the
LORD. She is indeed lukewarm, neither cold nor hot, wretched, miserable, poor,
blind, and naked (Rev 3:16-17).
There is a state of affairs that I
desire for you to understand beloved: The bride
is asleep as a foolish virgin, and her condemnation awaits her lest she repent.
The love of Christ towards her at the present time is the Spirit’s Word of
rebuke to her soul and the outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon her that she may
be revived. Calvinists have three severe blind spots:
Calvinists do not believe that the bride can be in a
state of carnality. BUT SHE IS!
Calvinists do not believe that regenerated souls can fall
Calvinists do not see revival, wrought by prevailing
intercessory prayer, as necessary for the salvation of the bride, but rather a
Though many Calvinists would affirm that the
bride and her constituents may fall into temporary states of carnality, their
core heart convictions frequently reflect these three principles and thus defy
Scriptural Truths and the Spiritual realities of our times. The result of these
blind spots is that countless Calvinists fail to understand the convictions and
the behaviors of the Church of Wells. And thus, I earnestly entreat you, dear
saints, to examine the Scriptures, and to seek the heart and mind of the LORD
with regard to eternal security and the righteous loving judgment of the
saints. For the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of God; and
if it first begin at us, what shall the end be of them that obey not the Gospel
of God? And if the righteous scarcely be saved, where shall the ungodly and the
sinner appear? Wherefore, I plead with you dear saints, to suffer according to
the will of God and in doing so commit the keeping of your souls to Him in well
doing as unto a faithful Creator (1 Pet 4:17-19).
A Brief Testimony of what I Beheld in the Midst of the Church of Wells
I was initially greeted at the airport by
the couple who took me into their home. There was a brotherly love and unity of
spirit between us from the start, which has only grown over time as we have tasted
of Christ from one another. We arrived at the store where other brethren were
present, some of them with tears. As I entered they greeted me with a tender
love and joy, yet a quiet sobriety and empathy, many of them having heard
reports of the fire I had gone through. Brother Sean and Brother Jake proceeded
to pray earnestly: cries of praise to the Lord for His deliverance of my soul
and body to this place, and then to cry out with load groans and tears for my
family. The cries and groans of all the brethren mingled together in a unified
desperate release of the burden with regard to my family. I was astonished and
overwhelmed by the magnitude of my burden which they had been carrying. I
understood from their spiritual demeanors that they loved my family as much as
I did, and carried my burden in no smaller degree than I had. Indeed this had
been the main pain in my heart in these past two months until this day. I
recalled visions I had in the past of the souls of them that were slain for the
Word of God, and for the testimony which they held under the heavenly altar and
which cried out “How long, O LORD, holy and true, dost Thou not judge and avenge our
blood on them that dwell on the earth” (Rev 6:9-10) and beheld the
similitude of these cries that went out before me. O how these people love my family!
Now I will proceed to briefly
describe fruits which I have observed here:
The Love of the Brethren: I had expected it in faith, and was joyed to see the love between the
brethren in this place. Each day souls burdened both Spiritually and/or
physically are lovingly tended to by the others. It can be truly said that the
unruly are warned, the feebleminded are comforted, the weak are supported, and
patience is shown towards all men (1 Thess 5:14). Truly these saints lay down
their lives for one another. The strong do bear with the infirmities of the
weak, and not to please themselves. Each one pleases his neighbor for his own
edification. For even Christ pleased not Himself; but as it is written, “the
reproaches of them that reproached Thee fell on Me”. (Rom 15:1-3) Those
who faint under affliction of heart, feeblemindedness, and Godly fear are
tenderly shepherded by the elders who make effective use of Spiritual
discourses and prayers to oversee the souls of the flock under the exalted Shepherding
of Christ. The brethren have all things common, parting their possessions to
all men, as every man has need. They break bread from house to house, eating
their meat with gladness and singleness of heart. (Acts 2:44-46) It has been
remarkable to see how the LORD does provide financially for these brethren: for
God has shown Himself able in making all grace abound towards us such that we,
always having sufficiency is all things, may abound unto every good work (2 Cor
9:8). Many of these brethren have at some point given up large amounts of
financial assets on behalf of the church, and thus all are, in the end, eased
by an equality, that at the present time the abundance may be a supply for the
want of others, that the others’ abundance also may be a supply for their want:
that there may be equality (2 Cor 8:14).
An Emphasis on the Atonement: Though reports do suggest that the Church of Wells tolerates a form of
work-righteousness Gospel that has drifted from the only Gospel of grace
through the atonement, I have found in this place an overpowering emphasis on
the atonement and the power for righteous living that is both needful and
enabled thereby. The first solemn assembly I attended was the most blessed
service I had attended in my life. All three elders preached with Sean Morris
giving the main burden: the promise and the call of the Gospel evidenced from
the life of Moses, the enthronement of Christ, the need for restoration of the
New Covenant promises/revival among the remnant, the need to remember and call
upon the known sanctifying work of Christ in our souls…the service was several
hours long. I was in awe at the prayer for the remnant that was made during the
service by brother Ryan. These people are slandered for lovelessly judging the
remnant, yet I observed a deep burden of love for the remnant among these
brethren. Their souls yearn and cry out for the remnant with weeping and deep fervency. O how they love you beloved!
True Eldership: There were many more blessed characteristics of these
elders to be observed here in the midst of the Church than from afar, though I
had rejoiced in my soul from afar to see how they had gloried not after nor
placed confidence in their flesh, but rather held fast to sound doctrine and
sought to find the true interpretation of Scripture in the power of the Spirit,
taking heed unto themselves and the doctrine; continuing in them: for in doing
this they do save both themselves and them that hear them (1 Tim 4:16). The
unity of these elders, their subjection one to another in the fear of the LORD,
the manner in which their Spiritual strengths overlap, coexist, and standalone
brings glory to the LORD who Himself by the exercising of His own will brought
and kept these three together. Sean Morris is the true doctrinal leader,
fearlessly bold as a lion, yet poor and needy, fervently loving each sheep, oft
in prayer, before the LORD. The wisdom, revelations, convictions, zeal, and
boldness of this elder have waters that run deep from the Person of Christ. He
is faithfully guiding the brethren through the Word and “The Condescension of God”, a Spirit-led writing which unfolds the significance of much of the inspired all-sufficient Scriptures. Ryan
Ringnald is the true instrument of the exercising of the righteous judgments of
the LORD. His Spiritual discourses come spontaneously for the exhortation and
uplifting of the saints. His rule over the saints is well, and he has not
withheld the righteousness of God from the assembly. His burdens surround the Spirit’s
Word to the churches to wake up and be found faithful, the Spiritual
implications of certain events in Scripture and church history, the voice of
the prophet Rolfe Barnard, the calling out of particular heresies/heretics with
all due diligence, among other things. Jake Gardner is the true father figure,
the one who spares not from declaring the sins of God’s people, yet maintaining
peace with all men as far it is possible. He is a man of understanding who
draws out the Counsel of a man’s heart which are as deep waters (Prov 20:5)
resulting in encouragement of weary saints and rebuke of the unruly. These
attributes are of course overlapping among the three of them, and there exist
among them common burdens of the LORD: necessary revival, intercession for the
saints, pouring out their lives as drink offerings on behalf of each soul in
their congregation, laboring in WORD and doctrine… God only knows the hours
daily spent in prayer among these elders. Their call to each saint here is, “You have all of my loving service,
impartation of doctrine, and intercession before the LORD. I am but an
unprofitable servant”. I believe
there is more I will learn in the time ahead of His grace towards these elders.
There is a deep honor and Godly reverence among the brethren here towards these
4. Devotion to
Prayer and the WORD: The brethren here are devoted
exclusively to following the WORD of God and prayer. Carnal conversation is
rare or altogether absent. The WORD of God dwells richly in all wisdom; teaching
and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing
with grace in their hearts to the LORD (Col 3:16). The brethren meet together for
hours in the large assemblies to pray together for revival, the remnant, family
members, and the needs within the congregation. Smaller groups meet daily
within homes to pray always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and
watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all the saints
(Eph 6:18). The manner of prayer is fervent and zealous: travailing
intercessory prayer. They do follow in the steps of Christ, Who in the days of
His flesh, when He had offered up prayers and supplications with strong crying
and tears unto Him that was able to save Him from death, and was heard in that
He feared (Heb 5:7). The cries of these
saints in corporate prayer does shake the buildings at their foundations.
5. The
Maintenance of Holiness/Purity within the “Camp”: The permeating love for the LORD Jesus, hunger and thirst for
righteousness, refinements through afflictions and persecutions, devotion to
the core doctrines of Scripture including present-progressive salvation, the accountability
and subjection one to another and to the elders, and the sacrificial brotherly
watching of the others’ soul has resulted in a God-glorifying purity of this
camp. If ever a brethren contains an evil heart of unbelief, they are
disciplined that their flesh may be destroyed and their souls saved on the Day
of the LORD. Those that repent are fervently restored. These brethren offer
loving rebukes and exhortations one to another daily, lest any be hardened
through the deceitfulness of sin. I have also observed a heightened intensity
of the LORD’s intolerance of sin within this Church. The Spirit of God within
these saints powerfully chastens and strives against sin through the WORD of
God, for these brethren do seek to consecrate their lives for His appearing. The Spirit of the LORD does not tolerate
wickedness in this camp!
Evangelism: Contrary to
popular opinion, there are souls being saved in our midst! Souls do seek the
LORD at the present time as a result of the revelation of Truth from within
this place. Though the violence of the masses and the gates of hell are opened
against this place, she finds favor from the blind, poor, needy, destitute,
sick, and lonely from among the lost. These lost do stream to this place
because Christ is among His people here!
Ingathering of the Remnant: Just as all those who were distressed, discontented, and indebted
gathered around King David at the Cave of Adullam, the starved, scattered,
lonely, and dissatisfied remnant does one-by-one find its way to this place. It is starting to happen!
“2 Declare ye among the
nations, and publish, and set up a standard; publish, and conceal not: say,
Babylon is taken, Bel is confounded, Merodach is broken in pieces; her idols
are confounded, her images are broken in pieces.3 For out of
the north there cometh up a nation against her, which shall make her land
desolate, and none shall dwell therein: they shall remove, they shall depart,
both man and beast.4 In those days, and in that time, saith the
Lord, the children of Israel shall come,
they and the children of Judah together, going and weeping: they shall go, and
seek the Lord their God.5 They
shall ask the way to Zion with their faces thitherward, saying, Come, and let
us join ourselves to the Lord in a perpetual
covenant that shall not be forgotten.6 My people hath been lost
sheep: their shepherds have caused them to go astray, they have turned them
away on the mountains: they have gone from mountain to hill, they have
forgotten their restingplace.7 All that found them have
devoured them: and their adversaries said, We offend not, because they have
sinned against the Lord, the habitation of
justice, even the Lord, the hope of their
fathers.8 Remove out of the midst of Babylon, and go forth out
of the land of the Chaldeans, and be as the he goats before the flocks…28 The
voice of them that flee and escape out of the land of Babylon, to declare in
Zion the vengeance of the Lord our God, the
vengeance of his temple.” (Jer 50)
8. Singleness of Heart (Acts 2:46): Never before have
I observed such perfect unity of mind and heart among brethren in the apostles’
Doctrine, the Doctrine of Christ. These brethren do stand fast in one spirit,
with one mind striving together for the faith of the Gospel (Phil 1:27). With
one accord does their resolve to mourn with God over the fallen state of His
people sound from their prayers. Indeed His promise in His New Covenant was to
give His people one heart and one way that they would fear Him forever for
their good and that of their children after them (Jer 32:39). He is turning to
them a pure language that they may call upon the Name of the LORD, to serve
Him, with one consent (Zeph 3:9)!
9. Fervent Familial Love: The mutual love and respect between
husbands and wives in this place brings much glory to the LORD! There is an
attitude of servitude, of placing the others’ needs, especially Spiritual
needs, as a foremost priority. The husbands deeply love their wives, wash them
daily in the WORD of God, while praying with and for them with all earnestness
and tenderness. The wives harbor a deep soul-seated reverence towards their
husbands, looking to them as their God-given priest heads whose authority will
be divinely utilized for their continuance in the faith and ultimate salvation.
It is not uncommon to see couples alone together tenderly exhorting one another
with much love, joy, and peace in Christ. Indeed it has been a great blessing
to see. Additionally children are given high priority in the home with regard
to Scriptural training and instruction. Childishness and silliness is not
condoned or smiled upon, but rather subjected to the fear of the LORD: “Come
ye children, hearken unto me: I will teach you the fear of the LORD”
(Ps 34:11). Contrary to other children of professing Christians whom I have
spent time with, the children here know that they are lost. When I have asked
several of them, “Do you believe in Jesus?”,
responses I received are, “No, not yet”
or “I am still lost”. The essence of
true conversion is so thoroughly manifested in this place that the children are
exceedingly aware of their depravity! The hand of the LORD is upon several of
the children in our midst for they have been enlightened to the judgment of the
LORD against their wicked souls and to the salvaging of their souls that is to
be found in the Gospel of Christ if they would, yes, if they could, in His
Divine providence, believe!
10. Sober and Biblical Judgment of Church-wide Status:
Though the
aforementioned attributes of moral splendor could result in an unrighteous
pride or church-wide exaltation and glorying, the elders in this church do not
think of themselves more highly than they ought, but do think soberly according
to the grace and faith granted to them and by the standard of a Church laid
forth in Scripture. (Rom 12:3) The elders do remain in great angst and in a
straitened state until the Spirit be poured out upon the church from on high.
They do comprehend that distance between where we are and where the Scriptures
portray that we ought to be for both
revival to ensue and the enduing from on high to come upon us and from the empowered state of possessing
these. They continually entreat the LORD for the Spiritual gifts, for signs and
wonders and miracles, specifically that the Gospel may be sent out in power and
authority throughout the world. The single heart’s cry in this place is: LORD come in power! Send forth Your Spirit!
Perform signs and wonders that Your Gospel may go forth to the ends of the
“24 And when they heard that, they
lifted up their voice to God with one accord, and said, Lord, Thou art God,
which hast made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and all that in them is: 25 Who
by the mouth of thy servant David hast said, Why did the heathen rage, and the
people imagine vain things?26 The kings of the earth stood up,
and the rulers were gathered together against the Lord, and against His Christ.27 For
of a truth against Thy holy child Jesus, whom Thou hast anointed, both Herod,
and Pontius Pilate, with the Gentiles, and the people of Israel, were gathered
together,28 For to do whatsoever Thy hand and Thy counsel
determined before to be done.29 And now, Lord, behold their threatenings:
and grant unto Thy servants, that with all boldness they may speak Thy Word,30 By
stretching forth Thine hand to heal; and that signs and wonders may be done by
the name of Thy holy child Jesus.31 And when they had prayed,
the place was shaken where they were assembled together; and they were all
filled with the Holy Ghost, and they spake the Word of God with boldness.”
(Acts 4)
A Poem: Here in the Midst of the Church of Wells
Here in the midst of the Church of Wells
Of good fruit, brotherly love, the doctrine of Christ I must tell:
Stronger than ever I have clung to His atonement by grace through faith...
Holding fast to Christ, laying hold of eternal life, ready lamps garnished with oil we do make.
Forsaken, buried under heaps of Satanic slander we do pray
for reawakening of the sleeping bride, for revival of the New Covenant among the regenerate, yes, before Him these we lay.
Righteous judgments, mercy and love, these do we seek to render.
Tenderly and violently slay the carnal soul of the pretender
that in the end the flesh may be destroyed and the spirit spared.
The eternal Lordship of the only Potentate who dwells in unapproachable light these saints have declared.
His peace and love within me do daily grow, no mistake have I made in coming here.
There is no where else I would rather be than with His disciples who have counted the cost for Him alone must I fear.
Poor and needy lost souls, and distressed, discontented, and indebted saints do stream to this city
for the great Shepherd of the sheep, starved and scattered on the hills, He does lead with great pity.
Among the princes of His people, His elders over His flock, we see Him exulted and ascended
for these do watch over our souls, laboring to present every man perfect, yes, it is possible, for His Spirit has descended.
We call out for judgment, we bear the burden of the LORD
that this generation of saints may not perish in the way but return by the power of His WORD.
Of good fruit, brotherly love, the doctrine of Christ I must tell:
Stronger than ever I have clung to His atonement by grace through faith...
Holding fast to Christ, laying hold of eternal life, ready lamps garnished with oil we do make.
Forsaken, buried under heaps of Satanic slander we do pray
for reawakening of the sleeping bride, for revival of the New Covenant among the regenerate, yes, before Him these we lay.
Righteous judgments, mercy and love, these do we seek to render.
Tenderly and violently slay the carnal soul of the pretender
that in the end the flesh may be destroyed and the spirit spared.
The eternal Lordship of the only Potentate who dwells in unapproachable light these saints have declared.
His peace and love within me do daily grow, no mistake have I made in coming here.
There is no where else I would rather be than with His disciples who have counted the cost for Him alone must I fear.
Poor and needy lost souls, and distressed, discontented, and indebted saints do stream to this city
for the great Shepherd of the sheep, starved and scattered on the hills, He does lead with great pity.
Among the princes of His people, His elders over His flock, we see Him exulted and ascended
for these do watch over our souls, laboring to present every man perfect, yes, it is possible, for His Spirit has descended.
We call out for judgment, we bear the burden of the LORD
that this generation of saints may not perish in the way but return by the power of His WORD.